Mrs. Claus brought "Llama Llama Red Pajamas" and some red jammers, while Santa brought Ewan a tool bench and a variety of stocking stuffers --- and everyone else around sent books, toys, and clothes (oh my)!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
52 : 42 (part 2)
Ewan's 2nd Christmas was even more magical than his 1st. He still doesn't really get Santa, but he gets presents! After spending a few days at his McGrammie's house, each day with different gifts to open, he had the unwrapping down to a science. A science that for Ewan means getting every bit of paper off of the box before enjoying the treasure inside, and if you need help with yours he is more than happy to oblige.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
52 : 41 (part 2)
Many people questioned us, thinking we were nuts, we took a 21 month old Ewan to Disneyland... And it may have been 2 of our best days this year, just us and our boy running from ride to ride.
Ewan did not love the characters (who can blame him), but he loved the rides and the Christmas parade. He fought sleep like we have never seen because there were adventures to be had. It is hard to say what was his favorite ride, he really did love them all, but the rockets at the entry to tomorrowland may be the big winner. We enjoyed both parks (Disneyland and California Adventure), breakfast with Minnie and her friends, lunch at Club 33, and a nice stay at the Grand Californian. Definitely a successful first visit for our boy!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
52 : 40 (part 2)
21 months! Ewan is now 1 and 3/4! If anyone out there knows how this happened please give us a call, we will be in the corner mourning the dissipation of Ewan's double chin and fat baby wrists --- turning in to such a BOY!
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EP's 21 Month Photo |
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Baby Big Mac - A Letter at 20 Weeks
December 10, 2013
Hello Little Lady,
We can now confirm you are just that, a girl, according to the ultrasound technician and the radiologist at your 19 week anatomy scan anyway --- thankfully everything else looked wonderful as well. Truth be told at your 12 week ultrasound another ultrasound tech and radiologist told us they were 85% sure you were a girl, but we wanted to keep that to ourselves until we were more sure and selfishly we wanted you to be all ours for awhile, which is why we didn't tell anyone you were in the oven until I was 14 weeks pregnant and into my second trimester, with your brother we told at 12 weeks.
This pregnancy has been rougher, morning sickness and a stomach bug your big bro brought home, but also so sweet. You kicked early for us and are so active you keep me on my toes enjoying every last flutter and bounce. Two kids is our current plan so I am enjoying every bit of this, soaking you in and savoring every moment, no one but me gets this time with you. I know that you will be here so quickly and while many women gripe about pregnancy I think it is the most awe inspiring and intimate thing anyone can experience. What my body is doing right now, growing you, is something I will always appreciate it for!
When we tell people you are a girl we get a mix of responses, most people expect me to be so happy and tell your Daddy he is doomed to be wrapped around your finger. While I am excited I would have been happy either way, but tutus are catching my eye more and more. And your Dad, well your Dad knows he is doomed and in his silent loving way I know he is a little scared, a lot excited, and already planning how he and Ewan will protect you.
And on this train of thought I have already talked to your Daddy about protecting you from me a little. While I will no doubt love and adore you I know I will also be hard on you... Probably no harder than I will be on Ewan, just in a different way. I will encourage you both to work hard, use your heads, be good people, and guide you as much as I can to find your happiness and take it. But with you, my sweet little lady, I will encourage you to keep the momentum going that my generation has pushed and those before us created --- a momentum that says you are just as smart, strong, capable, and determined as the boys next to you. You don't need to be the president, unless that is what you want, but you need to decide what you want and earn it, no matter who tells you that you can't. This will be a constant conversation in your life, and while hopefully encouraging you we will also teach Ewan to respect women and all that they can do --- I hope for you guys that people will be gender, color, sexuality blind, but if not you will help the charge to get this country and world there, knowing people are people and love is love.
To sum it all up my love, be the hero of your own story and show this world who is boss!
Love and Anticipation,
Your Mama
Thursday, December 5, 2013
52 : 39 (part 2)
This week Ewan started a new daycare that is closer to our house, at almost 21 months he finally got in to the center that we wanted (and put him on the list for) when I was 30 weeks pregnant, roughly 2 years ago.
This campus has bigger classrooms, more kids, expansive outdoor space, and a giant recreation room. He seemed comfortable from day 1 - not a tear was shed, we predict due to his realization that this school had a new batch of girls. This school also has a music teacher that comes on Mondays, he loves music and on his first day he fell in love with a drum.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Baby Big Mac at 19 weeks
Today was a big day, baby is 19 weeks along (almost halfway) and we had our anatomy ultrasound. The doctors confirmed that all looks great and that we are having a baby girl!
19 Week Profile |
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A tradition now, we did this with Ewan too! |
Ewan shared the news with his Grammie with pink flowers. |
Thursday, November 28, 2013
52 : 38 (part 2)
This week the McDonald family is in Nevis for some R & R, which means sunshine, tropical drinks, and sleep!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
52 : 37 (part 2)
This week I am tucked away in San Francisco for Dreamforce '13, which may mean nothing to anyone in 40 years when I imagine Ewan reading these posts with his own small kids, but right now it means an epic technology conference that influences an industry and is just part of what has made my company the most innovative for 3 years running. The pride I have in what my team is delivering this week at work is a feeling I hope Ewan finds in his life.
While I have been gone K has been preparing Ewan for his role as a brewer (maybe a career, maybe a hobby, we don't know yet), but in this week's photo he is enjoying this month's issue of BREW.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
52 : 36 (part 2)
20 months of Ewan has truly meant 20 months of astonishing discoveries --- limitless love, authentic laughter, bone deep fear, and a new need for eternal optimism. This boy has brought us so much and this month has been no different.
As his verbal skills increase Ewan's sense of humor, mushy love, and sweet demeanor come out more and more. He requests wa-wa now, which refers to any beverage you will provide him. When you ask simple questions he will say "I don't know" with the most adorable shrug of his shoulders. And his hugs are bigger now and if you ask politely he will run to your legs with a grip so tight and warm you can't help but melt.
We are very much looking forward to soaking our toddler in on the vacations and holidays that are quickly approaching.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
52 : 35 (part 2)
This week we are sort of cheating, going back a full week to Halloween... Life was so exciting last week this is required!
Luckily Ewan (and the rest of us) bounced back from the stomach bug in time to celebrate Halloween. We had a wonderful night of photos, pizza, Charlie Brown, and trick or treating. Ewan couldn't quite get out "trick or treat" for the 4 houses we visited, but was great with "thank you". He loved the chocolate balls from across the street, a ball AND chocolate, mind blown. And the adorable way he whispered "Caaaaandy" was enough to keep his belly full of candy corn for a few days.
This year Ewan was a garden gnome, his choice... We melted and the yard has never been so safe.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
52 : 34 (part 2)
This last Saturday we had a wonderful family date planned - a drive on the coast, a late lunch at a brewery in Pescadero, and then s'mores at the Ritz in Half Moon Bay. All was going well until we were just about to pull in to the Ritz and Ewan, who was in a great mood, projectile vomited. This we took as a sign to go home, take his temperature (totally normal), and put him in the bath. One quick move and he jammed the thermometer in his ear, which began to bleed. The advice nurse told us to head to the hospital so we did. Turns out Ewan's eardrum is 100% ok, just a little cut in the ear canal, thank goodness, but the waiting room was interesting and mama ended up with vomit in her hair, down her neck, and on her sweater (and about 24 hours later the stomach bug, that also took daddy down 12 hours later). It was also all over Ewan, but in the pediatric waiting room they have little people scrubs. If Ewan decides to become a doctor I am putting this picture in his office!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
52 : 33 (part 2)
We spent a lovely day in Napa this past weekend. We had a wonderful lunch and then explored the Stanley Lane Pumpkin Patch, our patch of choice as it is the perfect excuse to get to Napa and is not in a parking lot like so many of the patches near home. Ewan had a wonderful time and was a huge hit with all of the ladies. He was a very good boy until we made him climb off of the tractor.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
52 : 32 (part 2)
This week I had to travel to Atlanta for work, just for two days, but it may have been the hardest since Ewan was born. At 19 months he now misses me, requests me at bed time, and is saddened by my face on FaceTime. 99% of the time I was gone he was fine, and I know in a few short months he will understand more that I will be home soon, but the ache of being away when he can verbalize he misses me is tough. Kevin obviously kept him entertained and happy while I was out, his favorite hobby right now is watering the yard, and occasionally mama/daddy/barley.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Baby Big Mac at 12 weeks
Today was a big big day. We had our 12 week diagnostic ultrasound for Baby Big Mac and all signs point to a healthy baby. Measurements show a baby that is closer to the average size of a 13 week fetus, but if Ewan taught us anything it is that we make big babies. The first trimester testing is cross-referenced with measurements from this ultrasound and all of those results were amazing as well. While things look good we are keeping this little one a secret for a bit longer, at least until mama is feeling closer to 100%!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
52 : 31 (part 2)
19 months comes with bumps and bruises associated with climbing and exploring. This month Ewan's incident reports from school have been on the rise... one for trying to crawl through a cubby to get to the big kids' playground (he scratched his head) and another for diving to get a red ball before anyone else could get it (bloody nose). Incident reports do not mean he is in trouble, just that he was injured in someway, but we feel the need for discipline increasing. Ewan is very receptive to "no" and "sit on your bottom" when re-direction is needed, we can feel the big 2 coming faster everyday, but we are hopeful our well intentioned and loving boy will remain intact.
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EP's Official 19 Month Photo - Taken October 14, 2013 |
Thursday, October 3, 2013
52 : 30 (part 2)
In our house we sort of run hot, pretty constantly we are up to something - work, fun, home repair, or otherwise. This last week it was time to take it easy and give ourselves a break. For us this means leaving work (mostly) on time, moving a little more slowly, watching some tv, and turning in early. Ewan was more than happy to oblige this break, especially since it meant he got some rare screen time.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
52 : 29 (part 2)
This week's image speaks for itself. We added a starburst to make this post non-gross, but it is safe to say this was the most exciting #2 ever!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
52 : 28 (part 2)
This past Saturday Ewan got his first haircut, bye bye blonde baby curls. The occasion was special for the typical reasons, but also because Ewan got his first cut from Annie, who in fact gave me my first cut 30ish years ago. Annie has also done my hair for proms, photos, weddings, etc. Annie is a great friend of the family and I schlep 2 hours each way for a cut and color every 3 months, when you find a hair stylist you love you stick with it. Thank you Annie for another memory!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
52 : 27 (part 2)
Another month and another this is the best age yet coming from this household! Ewan is more adventurous everyday, which keeps us on our tip toes. His favorite thing to do is build, at home he has duplos and at school he has magna-tiles. Everyone is very impressed by his building skills and we are envisioning a future career in engineering or architecture. The sweetness continues, but the opinions are increasing daily.
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EP's Official 18 Month Photo - Taken September 9, 2013 |
Meeting Baby Big Mac
Today we met baby #2, affectionately known as Baby Big Mac. This ultrasound was taken at 7 weeks 3 days, baby had a healthy heartbeat of 160 beats per minute and looked great. ETA April 29, 2014!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Happy Half Birthday!
Happy 1.5 to our main boy! To celebrate we went to Stacks for breakfast, saw Planes, took a nap, played hard with the bat cave and wonder woman's invisible plane, and ate cake!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
52 : 26 (part 2)
Over the Labor Day weekend we went to Missouri to visit Grampy at his new home. The weather was hot, but the food and company were good. Missouri has nice parks, open space, and gross bugs (luckily we didn't meet the chiggers). Unfortunately, the heat rash lasted longer than the trip, hopefully that won't be the case next time!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
52 : 24 (part 2)
Ewan is a talking machine, so much so that we have lost track of words and are now keeping track of phrases. We have "I did it" and "I got it" and "thank you". All of these phrases are so cute we can hardly stand it and we beg him to say them over and over for us.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
52 : 23 (part 2)
Today Ewan and I spent the morning on the Stanford campus. Ewan is a subject in a social cognition study that is looking at how children create word associations, and how that influences speech acquisition. He wore a camera on his head while we played with toys and chatted. He was a great subject, he even cleaned up the play room at the end. As a thank you they offered him the ability to take one thing from a bin full of toys, I was very proud when he selected a book, of course it is on trucks, but none the less. As we wandered the campus he was right at home and loved the Rodin sculptures!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
52 : 22 (part 2)
17 months! Like I say every month this one is even better :) Ewan is loving and communicative, showing us what he wants, and having an opinion if he doesn't get it. We have even more words, it is difficult to keep count now: ball, bubbles, dog, banana... This last weekend we took Ewan to play with a 2 year old friend and a 4 year old friend, and he was in HEAVEN. The four year old boy was his fast running hero, and he was the 2 year old girl's shadow. While Ewan is with friends at school everyday, and swimming pals on Saturday, it was so nice to enjoy a lovely outdoor dinner with children playing on the lawn. At this point Ewan is really transitioning from parallel play to interacting with pals and it is awesome to watch.
It seems that Ewan is growing again, he is eating and sleeping like crazy... and he honestly seems bigger every morning. He is on the verge of outgrowing all of his current shoes and we have started buying 3T clothes, because what is the point of buying 2Ts when the delta on the sizing chart is 3 pounds, and he is already longer than the 2T prescribes? The betting has begun on what Ewan's 18 month measurements will be and I am playfully planning a 1.5 year birthday party in my head!
It seems that Ewan is growing again, he is eating and sleeping like crazy... and he honestly seems bigger every morning. He is on the verge of outgrowing all of his current shoes and we have started buying 3T clothes, because what is the point of buying 2Ts when the delta on the sizing chart is 3 pounds, and he is already longer than the 2T prescribes? The betting has begun on what Ewan's 18 month measurements will be and I am playfully planning a 1.5 year birthday party in my head!
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EP's Official 17 Month Photo - Taken August 8, 2013 |
Thursday, August 1, 2013
52 : 21 (part 2)
Oh the difference a year makes. I turned a year older last Friday, and Ewan and I celebrated with our traditional Blue Bottle coffee date --- 2 consecutive years makes a tradition right?! I stand by the fact that Ewan is the best gift I have ever received, but I was pretty spoiled by my guys, AND Auntie M who watched Ewan overnight so we could escape to Las Vegas for 36 hours of bliss! It was our first overnight away from Ewan, we definitely missed him more than he missed us.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
52 : 20 (part 2)
When Ewan is all grown up will he be the man of steel, the dark knight, the scarlet speedster, or in brightest day or blackest night will no evil escape his sight? We have no way of knowing at this point, but all we can hope is that he continues to exhibit the exquisite empathy that everyone who knows him well today sees. This one has a big affectionate heart and we will do all we can to protect and nurture that. Bazinga!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
52 : 19 (part 2)
Last weekend we took Ewan to his first movie, Monsters University. Taking a 16 month old to the movies may seem crazy, and it probably was, but I really wanted to see this movie.
Ewan loved the video arcade, devoured the popcorn, and enjoyed the movie --- at least the 45 minutes he was awake for. He was very well behaved and may have Despicable Me 2 in his near future!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
52 :18 (part 2)
16 month old Ewan is fun and feisty and full of love. He now prefers the running hug attack. He is full of laughs and enjoys blowing raspberries pretty constantly. Sleep is still about 11 hours straight a night and naps range between 2 and 4 depending on the day. Bumps, scrapes, and bruises are still a reality as evidenced on his forehead in this month's picture. This week we marked 1 year of daycare with cupcakes and a thank you card to Ewan's teachers, we are so lucky that Ewan's school has been such an amazing fit for our family and watching him interact with all the kids is amazing, and everyday as he hugs his pals hello and goodbye I know our arrangement is truly ideal for his growth. Communication increases everyday and we are constantly amazed by how much he understands and how he interacts with us. Ewan's favorite allies remain Barley and Coco who he looks for shouting "baa-baa" and "cocoo"and he has truly begun to embrace the dinner scrap bribery, which he utilizes to secure toe licks!
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EP's Official 16 Month Picture - Taken July 8th, 2013 |
Thursday, July 4, 2013
52 : 17 (part 2)
Kevin is not one to request pictures, so when he told me he wanted to take pictures of Ewan washing Debra similar to the pictures of him washing his mom's Porsche when he was 21 months old I obliged. With Ewan's Debra onesie quickly becoming more and more snug we knew this last weekend was our chance - and with very warm weather, a free morning, and a dusty coat on Debra's recently detailed paint we were all set.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
52 : 16 (part 2)
As you've heard we don't do the excess toy thing, but with the amazing weather we have been having a trip to Toys R Us was in order. After perusing the water toy aisles Ewan and I settled on the Little Tikes combo water and sand table, Ewan hasn't looked back. He loves scooping the sand and the water, sending Brad and Gina down the slides, and general splashing. Water fun has happened everyday, rain or shine, clothing optional, pajamas preferred!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
52 : 15 (part 2)
Ewan has another stamp in his passport! This last weekend we took a red-eye to Toronto for a few days of adventure before my work commitments kicked in. We explored Niagara Falls, the Entertainment District, the Distillery District, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), and the St. Lawrence Market. Ewan dipped his toes in Lake Ontario, explored the discovery section at ROM, and jumped on the children's train for a ride around the Roundhouse. He played football in the park, climbed on the train shaped playground, and charmed many waitresses with his long eyelashes and high fives. We celebrated Kevin for Father's Day while in Toronto with the day in the Distillery District, including a nice long lunch at Mill St. Brewery, and there is no doubt about it, Ewan's dad is legen ... wait for it ... dary!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
52 : 14 (part 2)
15 month old Ewan weighs 30 pounds 13.7 ounces (98%) and measures 34.5 inches (99.5%). Needless to say Dr. Fong was very impressed and pointed out that in a room with 200 babies Ewan would be the tallest.
I have been horrible about keeping track of Ewan's words here, but according to the doc he is well beyond the vocabulary of an 18 month old, here are the words we have --- mama, dada, ball, dog, baby, coco, barley, what, yeah, uh-oh, hi, bye, and bob-bob. His lack of stranger anxiety and immense cooperation is also notable and evidently unusual at this age. With 14 teeth we are ahead of the teething game and Ewan's love of whole milk, yogurt, and cheese is evidently completely ok, and the fact that he uses forks to pierce food and eat it is again an 18 month old skill.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
52 : 13 (part 2)
When I picked Ewan up yesterday teacher Katherine said, "I think he kissed every classmate today!" The hugging and the kissing has definitely continued and this past week we took a quick day trip to meet Baby A and to give her big brother a congrats hug... The bromance has begun.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
52 : 12 (part 2)
This family is ready for summer. Long days, sunshine, and strolls to the park. Ewan is enjoying his bike, shorts, and sunglasses.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
52 : 11 (part 2)
Ewan is currently transitioning to the frog classroom (toddler) from the polliwog room (baby). He spent about 20% of his time there last week, 50% this week, 80% next week, and then the first week of June it will be official. Ewan is definitely ready to be a frog, we just had to wait for a spot to open up. And frogs walk in to school it seems, because Ewan no longer wants to be carried as you can see in this week's picture.
The frog room includes field trips to the Farmer's Market at the Ferry Building, more outside play time, a set schedule, and cot sleeping as opposed to crib sleeping. This last bit is what I was most worried about, but he has taken to it quite well. Today he slept for almost 3 hours, but rumor has it he might need an alligator cot because his feet hang off of the frog size!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
52 : 10 (part 2)
Our Ewan is an explorer with a slightly cautious approach, since he took his first step just before he turned one he has been trying out life on his feet. He started with a few steps here and there, but largely relied on his super fast crawling skills. Around 13 months Ewan started taking longer strolls with the occasional fall, but in the last few weeks he has become a walking maniac. At the end of April we counted 40 - 50 steps at a time and the speed was increasing dramatically. Now he walks everywhere and even likes to walk in and out of school on his own. Walks that used to be quick with Ewan being held now take a bit longer, but 14 month old Ewan is so proud of the independence he now has and he even walked across the hippo at swim class!
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EP's Official 14 Month Picture - Taken May 20, 2013 |
Thursday, May 9, 2013
52 : 9 (part 2)
After London we grabbed an East Coast train to Edinburgh where we spent 5 great days. I studied abroad in Scotland during the summer of 2002 and was so excited to show my boys the city. We stayed in Edinburgh and had a lovely view of the castle from our room. We visited the castle, wandered the royal mile, explored New Town, and went to the National Gallery and the National Museum of Scotland.
Vacationing with a toddler was a whole new experience, instead of late nights wandering we got back to the room at a reasonable hour with candy and cocktails from the Tesco for adult time after EP went down. Also, leisurely lunch hours turned in to visits to the Princes Street Gardens (where the swing set was AWESOME and obviously not pretentiously concerned with safety like they are here in the states) --- but I can safely say we would not have had it any other way. Ewan was an AMAZING explorer, and aside from a few indicators that he did not love the train, the trip was incident free and we are already planning our next adventure.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
52 : 8 (part 2)
This week we took a flight across the pond, and Ewan got the second stamp in his passport. I had to go to London for work and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring my boys along for a vacation. Ewan slept the entire flight over, made friends with the man in customs, and instantly fell in love with the phone booths.
We did a lot of walking during our 6 days in London and every time we walked by one of these red phone booths Ewan pointed and squirmed. During our stay near Leicester Square we frequented the Bowie exhibit at the Victorian Albert, the London Zoo, the Tate Modern, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, and the British Museum. It was a jam packed visit that made us love London even more.
We did a lot of walking during our 6 days in London and every time we walked by one of these red phone booths Ewan pointed and squirmed. During our stay near Leicester Square we frequented the Bowie exhibit at the Victorian Albert, the London Zoo, the Tate Modern, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, and the British Museum. It was a jam packed visit that made us love London even more.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
52 : 7 (part 2)
What a week --- we currently have 3 different antibiotic treatments going, and 3 identical bottles of pink-eye drops. The double ear infection with bacterial pink eye that took Ewan down last week got Kevin and I too, and after a Sunday in urgent care for the adults (and a letter for me not to go to work for 2 days --- right?!) we truly realized the magnitude of typhoid Ewan (aka typhoid daycare). On the upside everyone is getting better and a recent study showed that daycare babies grow up to be healthier adults, so all these germs we pass around will have a benefit.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
52 : 6 (part 2)
Writing this post from a plane en route to Chicago and only a letter feels appropriate.
Your 11th tooth, your top right molar, is coming in and causing you some grief. Even though I know this pain is transitory it was so hard to watch you leave with Daddy for school today, I am off on another business trip, the second in as many weeks. I want you to be happy and comfortable and your loving self --- I am counting the hours until I am home again.
A couple weeks back I got a promotion at work, a pretty big deal for me and my career, and my first thought was that you and Daddy would be so proud. I truly enjoy my job and my colleagues and it means so much to me to set this example for you --- the pride felt for a hard days work, the honor of being rewarded for a job well done, and the sense of accomplishment that is all mine. I know you will do amazing things and all I can hope is that they fulfill you and make you happy.
Daddy keeps me in the loop while I am away, texting lots of pictures and updates, they make me ache, but not seeing your face is unbearable. Last week when you and Daddy picked me up from the airport I popped my head in to the backseat to say "hello" before I took my seat in the front, and then you cried for the next 20-minutes until you could see my face again --- I feel the same way bud. And while I am away I comfort myself with daydreams of our next adventure, like the one we took to Napa this past weekend, seen in this week's picture.
Love & Knuckles,
Your 11th tooth, your top right molar, is coming in and causing you some grief. Even though I know this pain is transitory it was so hard to watch you leave with Daddy for school today, I am off on another business trip, the second in as many weeks. I want you to be happy and comfortable and your loving self --- I am counting the hours until I am home again.
A couple weeks back I got a promotion at work, a pretty big deal for me and my career, and my first thought was that you and Daddy would be so proud. I truly enjoy my job and my colleagues and it means so much to me to set this example for you --- the pride felt for a hard days work, the honor of being rewarded for a job well done, and the sense of accomplishment that is all mine. I know you will do amazing things and all I can hope is that they fulfill you and make you happy.
Daddy keeps me in the loop while I am away, texting lots of pictures and updates, they make me ache, but not seeing your face is unbearable. Last week when you and Daddy picked me up from the airport I popped my head in to the backseat to say "hello" before I took my seat in the front, and then you cried for the next 20-minutes until you could see my face again --- I feel the same way bud. And while I am away I comfort myself with daydreams of our next adventure, like the one we took to Napa this past weekend, seen in this week's picture.
Love & Knuckles,
Thursday, April 11, 2013
52 : 5 (part 2)
13 months old! Ewan has been doing lots of eating, sleeping, and growing. He is still a little love and hugs and kisses everyone and everything, including his pirate bath toy and his doggy Barley. He greets the babies at school with hugs and kisses the air when big kids pass by too quickly for a snuggle.
I am doing some work travel now and have to admit the entire time I am gone I dream of getting home to my boys, and I ache to cuddle with Ewan and smell his warm baby scent. Cuddling is harder as his limbs get longer, but he manipulates his little body in to the perfect lump, putting his head on my shoulder and balling his little legs up against my belly.
Our 13 month old Ewan boy fits comfortably in 2 year old clothes and is in need of some bigger socks!
I am doing some work travel now and have to admit the entire time I am gone I dream of getting home to my boys, and I ache to cuddle with Ewan and smell his warm baby scent. Cuddling is harder as his limbs get longer, but he manipulates his little body in to the perfect lump, putting his head on my shoulder and balling his little legs up against my belly.
Our 13 month old Ewan boy fits comfortably in 2 year old clothes and is in need of some bigger socks!
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EP's 13 Month Photo |
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Being adventurous
Instead of stuff we want Ewan to have experiences and adventures. For his birthday we got him a membership to the new exploratorium in San Francisco. It opens this month and as charter members we got a special preview.
We had an amazing day --- we started with brunch at the Ferry Building and wandered up to Pier 15 for the preview. Ewan enjoyed exploring the museum and we look forward to many future visits, being just a few minutes (on foot) from my office we expect the late Wednesday night hours to be a common haunt for us this year!
We had an amazing day --- we started with brunch at the Ferry Building and wandered up to Pier 15 for the preview. Ewan enjoyed exploring the museum and we look forward to many future visits, being just a few minutes (on foot) from my office we expect the late Wednesday night hours to be a common haunt for us this year!
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The Exploratorium at Pier 15 |
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Ewan on a tiny chair! |
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Ewan on a HUGE chair! |
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CMYK Ewan |
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So much exploring is exhausting |
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