Darby dreamed of an(other) Ariel doll and Santa delivered! She loved making, and eating, his cookies... and she hopes that he took one home for Mrs. Claus who delivered Star Wars treats while we went on our traditional Christmas light wander - she must have arrived before the smoke detector went off because our fire went wonky (no damage done). Santa was also very pragmatic in putting a ream of paper in Darby's stocking, which will surely keep her coloring well into 2018!
Thursday, December 28, 2017
52 : 43 (part 6)
Christmas 2017 couldn't simply be Christmas for Ewan... he lost his front tooth on Christmas Eve, dropped it down the drain, and then cheered his favorite plumber (Dad) on as he rescued the tooth for the Tooth Fairy. Around the chaos there was still time for our annual Christmas light walk, jammies from Mrs. Claus (Chewie union suits), lots of cookies, and then sleep so the big guy could deliver the microscope and specimen slides that Ewan has been dreaming about.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Darby 35/52 v4
Ewan learning to read is a family favorite right now... and while it is really just narrating pictures today Darby loves to listen to his storytelling!
52 : 42 (part 6)
4th graders seem very big to Kindergartners and Ewan loves the activities he does with his buddy. This week they made gingerbread houses and Mama volunteered to help. Mrs. Radsliff told the Mom's that she loves to watch for the kid that realizes they can fill the entire house with candy... not a K2'er figured it out!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
52 : 41 (part 6)
You can't be a member of our family without loving Home Alone... and watching it many times a year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year Ewan fully embraced the Home Alone love with the movie, the book, and his own booby trap maps.
Darby 34/52 v4
Such a fancy lady having an afternoon at the salon with her favorite stylist. Darby's trims are always a debate, she wants purple hair and I don't want to lose those curls.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Darby 33/52 v4
While she looks shy she was anything but - Darby walked right up to Santa and climbed in to his lap. She quickly explained that she would like the Ariel doll with the tail that pops off, never-mind it will be her fourth Ariel doll, and legos like her brother.
52 : 40 (part 6)
All he wants for Christmas is his front tooth! Ewan lost a top front tooth at school, and just in time to meet Santa that evening, who he told he wants a microscope and some legos.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
52 : 39 (part 6)
Over Thanksgiving break Ewan told us, "the best days are days with only jammies!" We obliged with 2 full days of PJs including the day we decorated our tree and Chewbacca put the star on top.
Darby 32/52 v4
Who wants to waste time picking out a Christmas tree when you can spend your time at the Home Depot getting warm hugs from Olaf?! Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming, gotta call Santa...
Thursday, November 23, 2017
52 : 38 (part 6)
To commemorate Thanksgiving the Kindergarten classes at Ewan's school had a friend feast, all 100 kids gathered around the table in their hallway and noshed on special treats. Daddy was a volunteer for the party and snapped this picture of our cutie (7th boy on the left) and his friends.
Darby 31/52 v4
With Thanksgiving this week you would likely anticipate a post of our girl eating her turkey or pumpkin pie but amidst all the cooking and eating and cuddling we did not take many pictures but DeeDee did take this selfie of her and her brother... it was on Mama's phone with a bunch of pictures of Home Alone on the TV, the fire in the fireplace, and all 4 of us squeezed onto our comfy red couch.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
52 : 37 (part 6)
Since Ewan started Kindergarten we have found ways to stay involved day-to-day, Daddy is the garden parent and Mama is a class mom and an art teacher. This week's art lesson was led by another Mom but Mama was there to assist and loved watching the lesson instead of teaching - it is so cool to watch Ewan listen and learn and take his project so seriously!
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The weather has turned and while we still have a few warm days occasionally we also have chilly nights and a little rain. The first sprinkle was a good reminder that it is time to get DeeDee a new raincoat, this one is a 2T but she insisted on wearing it... our big girl is a size 4 these days, she is also requesting curly hair more, which means no ponytails, bows, or headbands.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
52 : 36 (part 6)
The holiday cup is officially here. Ewan had a day off of school so we stopped in for a vanilla steamer and a chat.
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For picture day Darby had her first official visit to the mama salon, no one got burnt and she loved the early morning pampering.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Darby 28/52 v4
Darby was pretty insistent that she wanted to be Princess Jasmine for Halloween. For weeks Mama looked for a nice, aka less naked, costume and then Darby changed her mind and emphatically wanted to be Darth Vader... after that faithful day in September her mind (luckily) did not change again and she was the cutest pig-tailed Darth Vader ever.
52 : 35 (part 6)
After a 7-day trial of STARZ Ewan was adequately addicted to Inspector Gadget (the original cartoon series) and decided that he would be him for Halloween. He drew many sketches and discussed concepts with his Dad for weeks. When all was said and done his favorite feature was the working propeller that Kevin made. During trick-or-treating Ewan definitely got the nostalgia vote from all the parents who decided he must be the coolest kid!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Darby 27/52 v4
We think it is safe to say that this is what the inside of Darby Moira's three and a half year old heart looks like.
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Darby Moira - 3 Years 6 Months |
52 : 34 (part 6)
October means pumpkins galore! This last weekend we went on a coastal drive for a stop at Pie Ranch in Pescadero and a nearby pumpkin patch. Then on Tuesday Ewan got to go to Farmer John's Pumpkin Patch in Half Moon Bay with his Kindergarten class, Mom and Dad tagged along as chaperones. Ewan loved the the experience beginning to end - the school bus, stories in a tee pee, a hay ride that ended in a field with pumpkin picking. At the end Ewan said, "Can Farmer John's Patch be our regular patch now?!" And Mom and Dad wondered how Kindergarten teachers do it.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Darby 26/52 v4
So much seems to happen in October, it makes picking life's highlights harder. Last week Darby enjoyed a My Little Pony movie date with Sophia (her bestie), went on an ice cream outing with her Daddy, got a crummy Fall cough, and went to the pumpkin patch in an outfit she picked out herself, down to the shoes... definitely 3 going on 20-something Anthropologie model.
52 : 33 (part 6)
Fall break meant Fall Camp for Ewan... 10 days with 85 friends ranging from 5 to 12 years old, 2 field trips, dodge ball, rec swim, and a ton of new discoveries - topping the list were Scooby Doo Where Are You? and Harry Potter, both of which Ewan could not believe we already knew.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
52 : 32 (part 6)
The boy's took Sunday afternoon for an adventure in the city, which included brunch and the Symphony. Ewan loved the music and said his favorite piece was Shostakovich's 10th symphony, and instrument was the bassoon. He was the youngest person in the audience, the next youngest was his Dad, and he is ready to go again.
Darby 25/52 v4
What better way to spend Sunday Funday than with a game of Frozen Trouble, quesadillas, and milk with a side of dance party.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
52 : 31 (part 6)
Walk to School Day meant a half mile climb up the hill, which equates to 15 flights of stairs according to iPhone's Health app... thankfully our new house is a flatter walk. When we arrived at school Ewan had some panda asthma, and he received a sticker and tote bag to commemorate the day.
Darby 24/52 v4
There was no more a perfect play to be Darby's first than The Little Mermaid. We took the afternoon for a girls' date - had lunch at a diner and proceeded to the show, which she loved. We had only one ill-timed potty break when Ursula got a little scary. Aside from some awkward gyration, which was intended to look like swimming, the show was a win
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Darby 23/52 v4
Darby's favorite weekends include playdates with Sophia. Sunday we went to Sea Bowl, enjoyed a game that Daddy won, and then pizza, nachos, french fries, and apple juice with a really great family. We also lingered over the loss of one of our favorite Darby-isms, for so long when ever she discussed something we had done in the past she said we did it "lasterday" - now she just says "last week" - everything was last week and we really mis lasterday.
52 : 30 (part 6)
For 5.5 years we avoided so many things, namely gender stereotypes and irritating popular culture... kindergarten has changed this and this last weekend Ewan discovered the joy of Pokemon at a birthday party, which his Daddy furthered with a quick download of Pokemon Go - life is now about hunting Pokemons, finding gyms, and creating new characters that he draws, names, and assigns powers.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
52 : 29 (part 6)
It is not everyday that your mom and dad buy a new house and you have an empty place to scream and run and take selfies.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
52 : 28 (part 6)
We sneak attacked Ewan with a surprise 5 1/2 birthday celebration at his Auntie's Mama and Daddy's house; we ate Mexican food, went swimming, had cake, and started 1 of 3 new Captain Underpants books. The big discovery of the evening, there is a show called Ghost Hunters so ghosts must be real.
Darby 21/52 v4
Mama's attempts to avoid all things girly have been continuously thwarted by Darby. In the chaos of all of brother's activities we decided Dee Dee needed something of her own where not only would she learn something but she would get a little extra alone time with Mama or Daddy... she of course picked Dance. Her first class went well, she was commended for being such a great listener, and kept her clothes on (she always seems to end up naked at home). Taking pictures through the 1-way mirror was difficult but the good news was she did not care that she could not see her grown-up.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
52 : 27 (part 6)
Since Ewan started Kindergarten we have spent time each evening trying to hear the details of his day. The things that bubble to the top are always interesting but this week it was rather shocking... he proudly let us know that he was selected by his teacher to receive a "Bear Badge" for being responsible, "when she called my name I was just so shocked!" Seeing Ewan so proud as he showed us his award was a real highlight of kindergarten so far.
Darby 20/52 v4
Bedtime seems to be a passe concept to Darby. Her Daddy was out with a friend this weekend and she delayed due to an important phone call, "I just need 10 more minutes for this call." The DVD remote was her phone and she insisted on taking it to bed. The imaginary conversations she had with her BFF Sophia and her Grampie were pretty darn hilarious and have us even more convinced this girl will have a very glittery imaginary friend some day... to go with the balloon on a string she has been dragging around as her doggy for over a week now.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
52 : 26 (part 6)
Reunited and it feels so good... Ewan has been missing his friend Abby from preschool so badly, she left a few weeks before him and he has been begging to see her since. This weekend we met up for bowling and lunch... and cupcakes that Ewan insisted on making her before we met up, nut free he reminded me because of her allergy <3
Darby 19/52 v4
We did everything we could think of to prepare Ewan for Kindergarten and did not even consider the anxiety that Darby would have not having him at school, it seemed like a convenience to us that they were at the same daycare not a reliance. "I miss budder weally bad, I just love him so big! I will be 5 soon right?!" She joined me for pickup this week and was completely enthralled by every word he said.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
52 : 25 (part 6)
Pee Wee soccer season has kicked off! Ewan is excited but very skeptical about the fact that they don't keep score, which means he can't win... lot's of sportsmanship conversations over here. Since this soccer program is a neighborhood program a few kids from Ewan's class are also playing, which will be nice for him in building relationships and learning names.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Darby 17/52 v4
After Ewan's first day of Kindergarten he requested a special dinner at Panda Express. We picked him up and then ran to Darby's school to get her, this was her second day at Preschool with out him and the missing was real... she insisted on holding is hand in the car and then as we walked to dinner. They got a little far ahead of us, but we clearly heard Ewan say, "Darby look, we are holding hands, it is like we are on a date!"
52 : 24 (part 6)
Ewan -
You started kindergarten this week... kindergarten, I have no idea how that happened?! At 5 years, 5 months and 1 week you were so ready to start this new adventure and I thought I was too.
On your first day you were strong and brave and so excited, and I was all of those things for you. Then came day 2... I fought back tears all morning and the reason why is pretty simple, I feel so damn lucky to know you! You are sweet, kind, earnest, and excited to learn, you truly have a golden heart and old soul with a healthy dose of crazy energy to go with your constant curiosity.
My hope for you this year Ewan is that the people that are now part of your community at Highlands Elementary recognize how special you are, that they help you navigate the world and guide you to be who you are daily while helping me and Daddy prepare you to be a great citizen of the world.
We love you SO SO SO BIG!
You started kindergarten this week... kindergarten, I have no idea how that happened?! At 5 years, 5 months and 1 week you were so ready to start this new adventure and I thought I was too.
On your first day you were strong and brave and so excited, and I was all of those things for you. Then came day 2... I fought back tears all morning and the reason why is pretty simple, I feel so damn lucky to know you! You are sweet, kind, earnest, and excited to learn, you truly have a golden heart and old soul with a healthy dose of crazy energy to go with your constant curiosity.
My hope for you this year Ewan is that the people that are now part of your community at Highlands Elementary recognize how special you are, that they help you navigate the world and guide you to be who you are daily while helping me and Daddy prepare you to be a great citizen of the world.
We love you SO SO SO BIG!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
52 : 23 (part 6)
Ewan said good-bye to pre-school this week like the big boy that he is... he wore the Radiohead t-shirt that his Daddy bought him when he was a newborn and gave each one of his friends a rice krispie treat with a card that mixed 80's references (for the parents).
Darby 16/52 v4
We know that no sing-a-long at the Castro Theatre will ever deliver for Darby like "The Little Mermaid" did but "Mary Poppins" came close... for her it was the crown and glow-stick, for Mama it was Julie Andrews.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
52 : 22 (part 6)
The only thing that distracts Ewan from party favors is face painters... here he is getting the Spider-Man treatment.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
52 : 21 (part 6)
So much of our day to day happiness is due to the family that we have made ourselves in the Bay Area. It takes a special friend to drive down from the city on a Friday night for pizza and Beauty and Beast (live-action not cartoon). Darth (aka Ewan) talks about Holly daily and always tells me about the things she teaches him, like waving at folks to say thanks when they let you cross the street and to try new foods like turkey sandwiches. Not pictured, Henry, the dood that takes Ewan's Holly love even deeper.
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At three and a quarter years old Darby is quite the threenager, she recently moved into the next preschool class (Turtles) where she will be until September when she graduates into the slightly older preschool class (Marlins). As a Marlin, Darby will be one of the youngest kids in the class but we are excited to see everything she will learn.
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Darby Moira - 3 Years 3 Months |
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