Thursday, April 18, 2013

52 : 6 (part 2)

Writing this post from a plane en route to Chicago and only a letter feels appropriate.



Your 11th tooth, your top right molar, is coming in and causing you some grief. Even though I know this pain is transitory it was so hard to watch you leave with Daddy for school today, I am off on another business trip, the second in as many weeks. I want you to be happy and comfortable and your loving self --- I am counting the hours until I am home again.

A couple weeks back I got a promotion at work, a pretty big deal for me and my career, and my first thought was that you and Daddy would be so proud. I truly enjoy my job and my colleagues and it means so much to me to set this example for you --- the pride felt for a hard days work, the honor of being rewarded for a job well done, and the sense of accomplishment that is all mine. I know you will do amazing things and all I can hope is that they fulfill you and make you happy.

Daddy keeps me in the loop while I am away, texting lots of pictures and updates, they make me ache, but not seeing your face is unbearable. Last week when you and Daddy picked me up from the airport I popped my head in to the backseat to say "hello" before I took my seat in the front, and then you cried for the next 20-minutes until you could see my face again --- I feel the same way bud. And while I am away I comfort myself with daydreams of our next adventure, like the one we took to Napa this past weekend, seen in this week's picture.

Love & Knuckles,

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