Thursday, March 27, 2014
52 : 3 (part 3)
Simple pleasures are important. When we see the occasional treat that we know will blow Ewan's mind we don't worry about the sugar content or the use of red #5.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
52 : 2 (part 3)
There is no denying Ewan loves books ("bookie"). This week his school hosted a book fair, which required a walk through stacks and stacks of books in the lobby twice a day. We kept telling Ewan we would get some later in the week, and when that faithful afternoon came he was thrilled. Ewan got 3 books and we purchased 2 for his classroom.
That day the challenge wasn't getting through the lobby, it was getting to the car... Every 3 to 5 steps Ewan would stop, sit, and read. We did eventually get home.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
A Party for Ewan Squarepants
For Ewan's 2nd birthday party we embraced his love of Spongebob (aka Bob-Bob). We kept the invite list short, the sweets sugary, the taps flowing, and the bubbles plentiful! Ewan's Grammie McD and Uncle Jon came from Camarillo and his Aunties and friends came from all over the bay area to celebrate with him.
For the 2nd year in a row we got amazing weather! |
Ewan's own Jellyfish Field made by Daddy and Uncle Jon |
Home Brew by Daddy - Root Beer & Porter |
Home Brew by Daddy - Pale Ale & Brown Ale |
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Krabby Patties, Coral Bites, and more! |
A Swedish Fish Aquarium made by Daddy |
Ewan Month by Month - Newborn to Two :) |
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Ewan Squarepants up from his nap |
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Our family :) |
Bubbles are always a hit... |
Bubbles only come second to sweets... |
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Ewan is particular to chocolate... |
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The chocolatier the better! |
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And finally Ewan took the toys he collected to LPCH! |
Thursday, March 13, 2014
52 : 1 (part 3)
Today Ewan had his 2 year appointment, and evidently it is rather remarkable that he likes the doctor and is still very cooperative. He was definitely at his best hyper and happy self and is developing wonderfully, 99%tile measurements and all age appropriate skills have been mastered. On to the 3 year old skills now!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
A Family Celebration for Ewan's T-W-O
March 8th again already?! Ewan turned two this past weekend and we had a wonderful time celebrating him with everything he loves... donuts, balloons, Spongebob, Benihana, presents (including a train table that K and I made), and of course cake. Then we followed up the big day with a trip to the San Francisco Zoo, which is now a birthday tradition for Ewan. This trip to the zoo he was far more in to the animals, he spent the afternoon trying to talk to them with the sounds he knows and running from one habitat to the next.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
2 Year Old Ewan!
And it happened... he woke up 2! He looks bigger and according to he is no longer a toddler, he is a preschooler. All I can say is too fast! I recently read an article that talked about savoring motherhood because our babies will never be as small as they were yesterday again and since then I am sappily sentimental about savoring every second that I have with this guy, I have said it before but NOTHING makes me gush like this boy! At his 2 year doctor appointment he measured 37.25 in tall (99%), 36 lbs 1 oz (99%), and his head was 52.3 cm (100%) --- our little beast.
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EP's 2 Year Photo |
A letter to my son on this the day of his second birthday...
How is it that you are two already? When I was little I remember wishing for time to pass and now I sit in bed at night wishing I could pause time a bit and just soak two year old you in more. Many nights after you have gone to bed I am tempted to wake you up so we can cuddle some more. You are an amazing cuddler and so sweet, passing out "I love you" with your hugs and kisses. The very few nights that you wake up, usually due to teeth (2 year molars are slow and ruthless), I relish the opportunity to have you come to bed with us for a few hours - if it happened every night I might be whistling another tune, but a night or two a month is a gift.
In the last year we have seen you grow so much, physically and mentally. You are a big boy, 99%tile (37.25 in) in height and weight (36 lbs 1 oz), and 100%tile in head (aka BIG) - we say because of all those brains. Your physical skills are strong and you currently like marching ("mauchin"), walking the curb as though it is a balance beam, and racing mama and daddy wherever it is we are headed. You have a plethora of words and speak in two to four word sentences on the regular. You are surrounded by brainy toys at home and school and we love to watch you build like a mad man, sometimes we feel like we can actually see the wheels in your head turning. When we show you how to do something once you remember it and refine the skill very quickly. Your favorite toys are magnetic and your most recent addiction is National Geographic for Little Kids, we got it for you for your birthday and you love it, insisting on taking it with you most places, including bed and the bath.
Not a day goes by You-You that we aren't so grateful to have you as part of our lives. Very few days go by when your dad and I don't say something along the lines of, "I want to kick him, he is so cute." Of course we don't actually want to kick you, but how adorable you are actually makes us twitch sometimes, how in the hell did we get so lucky!?
Your third year is sure to be a crazy one - at the end of it you should have 1,000 words, know all your basic colors and shapes consistently, be able to draw a circle in one quick movement, draw an X (two intersecting lines), hold your pencil properly (you may have decided if you're a righty or lefty by then), and you'll be a big brother. We are excited for this next year with you big boy, but don't feel the need to rush it.
Love and Knuckles,
Friday, March 7, 2014
Seahorses Celebrate Ewan's 2nd Birthday
The day before Ewan turned two we had a little celebration with his class, the Seahorses, at school. We spent the afternoon serving the toddler masses (16 kids) pineapple yogurt blackberry parfaits and singing to the birthday boy. He loved wearing his "birday hat" and while he didn't seem to get that it was about him he loved every second, and we sent each Seahorse home with some sidewalk chalk and the teachers' lounge was stocked with skittles!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
52 : 52 (part 2)
"Water Wigglers" swim class was a huge success, Ewan was the only kid that didn't need his parents to get through class. He did a great job and showed off his bubble blowing, kicking, and dunking skills.
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