Today Ewan has been with us for 19.5 weeks. When I was 19.5 weeks pregnant we had what was intended to be our last ultrasound (we had unanticipated others later on as Ewan was measuring big so we were just seeing how big) and we found out he was a boy!
19.5 weeks pregnant |
The picture we used to tell our friends! |
During the first portion of the scan with the technician the baby was shy and would not show the goods. Before the radiologist came in I did a little dance in hopes of a shift. When she came in she said she would give it a try, put the wand to my belly, and there it was, the "money shot" we proclaimed to her amusement. There was no doubting it, we were having a boy.
Ewan's profile at 19.5 weeks |
The prevailing guess amongst friends was girl, except one who called boy and got a special prize for her prediction. K's family all guessed boy as the men in their family seem to have strong male swimmers. Before the ultrasound we did the math and in 3 generations on Kevin's dad's side (since his grandfather) of the family McDonald men have had 20 boys, and 7 girls, meaning we had a 74% chance of having a boy --- maybe not the most scientific study but the numbers didn't lie to us!
We covered both bases just in case! |
Up until that ultrasound we had discussed names, we had four girl names and zero boy names. We knew we wanted a Scottish name, but what?! For some reason we just couldn't settle on a first name, which we probably should have taken as a clue, but on the way to FedEx from the hospital (we were mailing gender specific care packages to the grandparents, pictured above) Kevin said, "what about Ewan Porter" and we never looked back!
Ewan Porter - 19.5 weeks today! |
I loved that day! And was very happy to receive the left over cookies. Gosh, he is such a great big guy. It's weird to think of the time when we didn't know him.