Thursday, January 1, 2015

52 : 43 (part 3)

After the craziness of Christmas we took Ewan down to Southern California to visit his Grammie and Mickey. He had a wonderful time and even though he seemed to be fighting some sort of bug he was a champion, spending 12+ hours in either Disneyland or California Adventure both days. This was Ewan's second Disneyland trip, and it was a bit different as this time Ewan was 40 inches tall.... this is a very big milestone for Disney. This time around Ewan could ride a lot of the big boy rides including Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Radiator Springs Racers, Star Tours, and more. As we traveled in to the dark for Space Mountain Mama wondered if taking a 2.75 year old on a roller coaster was a bad parenting decision, but as Ewan yelled, "I go again, I go again with Daddy," as the ride ended it seemed to be ok. On our first night in Anaheim we went by the Disney Store and got Ewan the Buzz hoody pictured this week, he refused to take it off and when annoyed shot us with his arm laser, it actually makes a sound effect (and thankfully survived its first washing).

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