Thursday, December 27, 2012

52 : 42

Wow what a week. This one included Ewan's first trip to Southern California to visit his Grammie McD and other family, and his first Christmas. He was amazing on the trip, and when people ask me if he has stranger anxiety I can definitively say no as he was faced with 50 relatives at an annual Christmas party and not a tear was shed --- and this group is not a quiet group, they are loud and loving and were the perfect introduction for Ewan to his family down South.

The merriment of Christmas has never felt so real or magical. I will discuss the holidays more in a Christmas specific post, so for this 42nd entry in Project 52 I would just like to reflect on the beauty of my boy. While exchanging emails with a friend over the weekend I said something that I had not yet verbalized even to myself. I was explaining that I never knew I was supposed to be a mother until I met Ewan. Some roles (daughter, sister, student, employee, wife) I have struggled with in various ways, but motherhood has been a natural fit, not to say I am always amazing at it, but I have never doubted it. 2012 was amazing for us and I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us, come week 43 we will be in the new year!

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