Thursday, December 20, 2012

52 : 41

I was pregnant with Ewan for 41 weeks, and today he has been with us for 41 weeks. Here is what I got all those weeks ago, and here is what I have today!

At his 9 month well baby Ewan weighed 24.5 lbs (92%) and measured 30.5 in (96%). He is meeting and exceeding his developmental milestones and is forecasted to be walking well before his first birthday. Cruising is at the top of his list, but he still loves to crawl a lot and FAST! This week he screwed the lid back on an Evian bottle, met a stair at Grammie McD's (didn't slow him at all), and continued his constant banter.

Our pediatrician said Ewan is exhibiting some cognitive skills that aren't expected until he is 1, such as following our glances to see what we are looking at and responding when we point by looking himself. Ewan is extremely curious and is enjoying a few days in Southern California by taking in all the new stuff and visiting the Santa Barbara Zoo and LACMA.

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