Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The difference a year makes...

One year ago today (June 27, 2011) we got confirmation that I was pregnant via a digital Clearblue test. On the two previous days 5 or 6 stick tests were taken and those light lines did not seem like proof enough. We spent the weekend at a birthday party, out on a special date, running errands (including a trip to Target for the digital test), and prepping for the week. It just didn't seem possible to us that we were going to have a baby so we went about our normal business, and didn't really discuss the possibility.

At the b-day party (6/25/11) before we knew...

Then on Monday morning I got up for work as usual, took the test, and jumped into the shower thinking I would just wait the obligatory 5 minutes, see the "not pregnant", and go about my morning routine. When I glanced at the stick and saw "pregnant" I leapt from the shower and ran to tell Kevin, who was still fast asleep.

The test... P looked at this pic constantly!

We knew in that moment life would never be the same. We spent weeks carrying around this special secret and crossing our fingers as we waited to hit the medically identified milestones that mean all is well. 52 weeks later we have a beautiful 16 week old boy, have found a new grove as a family, and are looking forward to everything each new day/week/month will hold.

Our Family - Father's Day 2012

1 comment:

  1. That is really awesome, I love this post! And I love it even more because that is Declyn's party you are at! And now EP will be partying it up with all of us again this weekend. How cool. I will never forget getting that picture in my text messages!
