Thursday, June 28, 2012

52 : 16

An interesting part of being pregnant and having Ewan has been being told by people (family, friends, and strangers alike) what we are no longer going to be able to do... it often went something like this, "congratulations, no more sleep for you" or "great news, guess you are done with vacations" and so on. We often smiled and nodded and moved on choosing to wait to discuss said comments (and people) until we were alone. We have a deal that we will do the things we love and show those things to Ewan - this includes restaurants, travel, Sunday afternoon naps, movies, etc. In our minds the key to having a well rounded child is putting him/her in the position to experience as much as is possible. This last weekend Kevin's brother came to visit so we took the opportunity to show Sonoma to him and Ewan with a lovely lunch and a couple winery stops.

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