Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Letter to Ewan - First Day of First Grade

Ewan -

How is it that today was your first day of first grade? Where did the summer go? Where did the last year go? I swear you were just starting kindergarten and I was nervously obsessing about whether your teacher would know how special you are. Oh how times have changed - today I found myself hoping you would listen, be polite, keep your hands to yourself, and be happy at pick-up.

You learned a lot in the last year, belching is your favorite and reading is mine. I learned a lot too, I learned that you are a warm hearted boy in a big body that wants to get along with everyone, but the reality is that not everyone is a good match and as we say not everyone “makes your heart happy” like you hope. I think you are right on track academically and while I worry about my lack of patience and new math I know you are at a great school with an amazing teacher so I spend more time worrying that you find your people - kids that are sensitive, kind, and creative that understand your weird imagination play or have the patience to learn. Choosing friends is a life skill that I can’t teach you, but it will mean a lot always.

According to you Mrs. R will focus on math and reading, and you are thrilled to get better at both. I hope this year offers you everything you want and need as a 6/7 year old. You are the center of our family and my most special boy, I am proud to be your Mama - burps and all.


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