Thursday, October 27, 2016

Darby 27/52 v3

Darby my Darling -

2.5 already! I have become that Mama, I know I say this all the time, but I have no clue how time has passed so quickly. This year, 2016 I mean, is whirring by us... Probably because we are having so much fun!

In the last 6 months you have changed so much, but at the same time not at all. You still have an amazing disposition, love school, and play rough, but you are much more verbal, physically capable with things like climbing, and even more stubborn about your independence. You seem to be growing like a weed, but since you are now on an annual schedule with the pediatrician we do not know for sure, but last time you asked to see how strong you were on the scale you were up to 34lbs. You seem to sustain on milk, cheese, yogurt, and bananas these days, but you will occasionally surprise us by requesting three servings of steak.

One thing that has changed this year is that you are much more affectionate, you request cuddles, hugs, and kisses regularly. When you kiss us you grab our cheeks and pull us in to you for a big wet one, which is the highlight of any day and can immediately turn a frown upside down. You continue to be very polite and are the first to yell "bess you" when anyone sneezes. Your go to accessory is sunglasses (aka sunnies), you prefer pigtails, and you are creating quite the tutu collection, you seem to find them where ever you go.

As much as we have avoided pink and princesses we can feel them infiltrating our lives, we still don't offer them, but will not deny your sweet requests... still no Barbies, no way. Your current princess addiction is Ariel from The Little Mermaid, which inspired you to request a mermaid costume for Halloween next week. You also constantly request Ariel's "Part of Your World" song, which you sing along to loudly. Our favorite line in your rendition is "gadgets and gizmos gamore", please never say galore properly... gamore forever and always.

Kisses Gamore, 

Darby Moira - 2 Years 6 Months

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