Thursday, July 14, 2016

52 : 19 (part 5)

This week Ewan started in Bat Rays, the 4 to 5 year old class at his preschool. We had been building up to this change, and counted down the days until his transition to the classroom was complete. Before his first official day we went to the cafeteria at Kevin's work for breakfast and then Ewan went with us to drop off Darby and then we dropped him off. It was fun to explore as a family the new arrival routines - he wrote his name on the check-in sheet (capital E and now lowercase wan), answered the question of the day on the whiteboard (how many time zones are there in Russia, he answered ONE, which he wrote on the board with our help spelling), and then he showed us his new cubby. Mama made him pause for a few pictures and his pride and excitement was so apparent. When the day was done and Daddy picked him up it was ruled a very good day with no table jobs (tasks done instead of recess when a child does not listen). We are hopeful for a very good year and can't believe Kindergarten is next!

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