Ewan -
You are 3.5 now, that seems very old to me today!
Some people say the twos are terrible, but we are definitely finding you more challenging at three. Do not get me wrong, you are still a very very sweet boy, but you sure are contrary some (most) days. You can be a little rough with your sister, and sometimes with your friends, which we are working on, but you are still so sensitive. Your dad and I often discuss how you pick up on the emotions of everyone around you and you often ask, with tears in your eyes, why the people/animals are sad on television. You are always willing to give hugs and kisses, and have snuck in to bed with mama at night a few times in the last couple of weeks, and when I wake up and ask why you say, "I need a cuddle." Your imagination is running wild, which has also brought on the idea of fear, which you do not have much of, but you definitely talk about it more than ever before. You love to hear stories and tell stories, and you never turn down a sing-a-long. Now that I jot this all down, maybe there is nothing terrible at all about you, you are an awesome kid.
For your half birthday we had a small celebration... you got a 1/2 birthday card at school (it was mail day), a 1/2 cake at home, and two floor puzzles. The first puzzle is a world map because you love to name all of the continents and are working on learning your oceans, and the second is of dinosaurs (another current addiction). We do not want you to be the kid that needs something every-time you go in to a store, which is becoming more of a challenge, but we really love celebrating with you and are always looking for an excuse for cake.. chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and red sprinkles and writing of course --- red continues to be your favorite color.
We have some fun plans coming up, a trip to disneyland and then the caribbean, but first you are starting at a new school, which you can't stop talking about... we really hope the excitement for the change continues. Stay cool kid, and know no matter how much we debate things you will ALWAYS be our favorite boy!
EP @ 3 Years 6 Months |