Thursday, August 31, 2017

52 : 26 (part 6)

Reunited and it feels so good... Ewan has been missing his friend Abby from preschool so badly, she left a few weeks before him and he has been begging to see her since. This weekend we met up for bowling and lunch... and cupcakes that Ewan insisted on making her before we met up, nut free he reminded me because of her allergy <3

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We did everything we could think of to prepare Ewan for Kindergarten and did not even consider the anxiety that Darby would have not having him at school, it seemed like a convenience to us that they were at the same daycare not a reliance. "I miss budder weally bad, I just love him so big! I will be 5 soon right?!" She joined me for pickup this week and was completely enthralled by every word he said.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

52 : 25 (part 6)

Pee Wee soccer season has kicked off! Ewan is excited but very skeptical about the fact that they don't keep score, which means he can't win... lot's of sportsmanship conversations over here. Since this soccer program is a neighborhood program a few kids from Ewan's class are also playing, which will be nice for him in building relationships and learning names.

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Sunday Funday for Darby includes "a purple cone with sparkles!"

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Darby 17/52 v4

After Ewan's first day of Kindergarten he requested a special dinner at Panda Express. We picked him up and then ran to Darby's school to get her, this was her second day at Preschool with out him and the missing was real... she insisted on holding is hand in the car and then as we walked to dinner. They got a little far ahead of us, but we clearly heard Ewan say, "Darby look, we are holding hands, it is like we are on a date!"

52 : 24 (part 6)

Ewan -

You started kindergarten this week... kindergarten, I have no idea how that happened?! At 5 years, 5 months and 1 week you were so ready to start this new adventure and I thought I was too.

On your first day you were strong and brave and so excited, and I was all of those things for you. Then came day 2... I fought back tears all morning and the reason why is pretty simple, I feel so damn lucky to know you! You are sweet, kind, earnest, and excited to learn, you truly have a golden heart and old soul with a healthy dose of crazy energy to go with your constant curiosity.

My hope for you this year Ewan is that the people that are now part of your community at Highlands Elementary recognize how special you are, that they help you navigate the world and guide you to be who you are daily while helping me and Daddy prepare you to be a great citizen of the world.

We love you SO SO SO BIG!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

52 : 23 (part 6)

Ewan said good-bye to pre-school this week like the big boy that he is... he wore the Radiohead t-shirt that his Daddy bought him when he was a newborn and gave each one of his friends a rice krispie treat with a card that mixed 80's references (for the parents). 

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We know that no sing-a-long at the Castro Theatre will ever deliver for Darby like "The Little Mermaid" did but "Mary Poppins" came close... for her it was the crown and glow-stick, for Mama it was Julie Andrews.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

52 : 22 (part 6)

The only thing that distracts Ewan from party favors is face painters... here he is getting the Spider-Man treatment. 

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Playdates with Sophia are Darby's favorite as they include 1) Sophia 2) The Park 3) Ice Cream!