Thursday, May 31, 2018

52 : 12 (part 7)

This kid can find science anywhere.

Darby 5/52 v5

Instagram filters are one of Darby's favorite pastimes these days... preferred filters include the one featured this week, I think it is the red lipstick and eyeliner, and the bunny filter.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

52 : 11 (part 7)

Being Ewan's art teacher meant so much to both of us. At Open House this week we got to see all of the kids' favorite projects and Mama was honored to see Ewan's van Gogh posted up... "My favorite project was van Gogh. I like this project because my Mom led the project."

Darby 4/52 v5

Darby was the envy of her brother this week when she came to Salesforce's take your kid to work event. She got swag, all the yummy snacks, face painting, and visits with Mama's friends. In this photo she is posing with Einstein and Codey who are 2 of the company's characters - Einstein represents Artificial Intelligence technology and Codey represents our developer community.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

52 : 10 (part 7)

Crazy hair day and a butterfly friend in the garden at school with Dad! Kindergarten is wrapping up and this guy is getting a little antsy about it... hopefully he can focus enough to wrap up the year.

Darby 3/52 v5

Darby does yoga at preschool and loves the book "Good Night, Yoga" - her favorite pose is TREE and she nails it! When Mama's studio offers a family class we are there and this month we were featured in the studio's newsletter (bottom middle)!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

52 : 9 (part 7)

We shall see how long this phase lasts... Ewan has decided he wants to grow his hair out for the summer, Mama offered him a shave for the warm weather (as warm as the Bay Area gets) and in typical 6 year old fashion he went opposite.

Darby 2/52 v5

This week Darby had her annual check up - blood pressure, vision, hearing, and growth are all where they should be and Dr. Fong loved catching up with our little lady. After Darby's appointment she delivered her annual toy drive haul to the hospital. Note all pictures since her birthday party with Ariel include special princess poses.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

52 : 8 (part 7)

Mama's alarm goes off first and she is usually gone before everyone is up... occasionally she finds someone has stollen her spot. This guy is the sneakiest but his snoring always gives him away.

Darby 1/52 v5

Putting the glove that Santa got her to use! Darby started t-ball this week, she was the only player that showed up in a dress and wow did she play like a girl - ran at top speed, swung for the stars, and generally rocked it!