Thursday, April 28, 2016

Darby 1/52 v3

It is Darby's first week of being two and we can't stop celebrating! As a special treat for her friends at school we baked little chocolate chip cookies and bought a galloon of milk. Our hypothesis was that cookies and milk would be a surefire way to endear small people to us... we were right and the teachers were pretty excited (and grateful) too!

52 : 8 (part 5)

Always happy to celebrate with cake, and always proud to be a big brother... Ewan's favorite girl turned 2 this week!

Monday, April 25, 2016


Per our annual tradition we took Darby on a lovely birthday date, 2 on 1! We started the day with her preferred pink donut in Burlingame and proceeded to the botanical gardens, which we joined. As the fog cleared we relaxed over a picnic and then went for a drive/nap!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

A letter to our two year old Darby...

DeeDee Darby - 

How are you two already? These years have passed by so quickly, yet we can't remember life before them, before you. Your personality has grown and grown with you. You are full of energy and have been deemed the easiest baby ever at daycare. You are flexible and friendly, energetic and kind, you can and you will teach a lot of people a thing or two my dear, you will rule the world if you want. 

With all of your sweetness there are a few things that throw you off: you still get angry when hungry, you take some time to warm up when you wake up, you can occasionally be shy with unknown adults, and you are very emotional when punished. These things happen so rarely that when they do everyone that knows you is completely confused by the behavior that they immediately jump in to soothe you, your sweetness is literally something we all expect and crave. 

There is no silence in our home (or are cars), but in the happiest of ways. If we run out of things to say you break in to song, your favorite still being Baby Shark. You are so in to music these days that you have started singing along to bedtime songs, which is the cutest and is also counterproductive. While you do have more and more words you also still babble a bit, which we know will disappear soon so we are savoring every indiscernible sound. 

At your two year doctor appointment you were a little shy, and did not let the doctor hear many of your words, but you certainly impressed him with how cooperative you were. The doctor was also pleased with your growth, you measured 36.4 inches (98%tile) and 30 pounds 8 ounces (89%tile), such a strong healthy girl. 

During this next year we hope to get you a few stamps in your passport, look forward to having more and more conversations with you, and dream that your brother will continue to be your best friend. There is so much to see, so much to do, and we know you will have so much to say. We love you Darby.

Hugs & Kisses, 

The life of any party!

Pink and Orange Paper Cranes to Celebrate Darby Moira

This celebration of Darby's second birthday was perfect. We surrounded our DeeDee with the family we created, in the home she loves, with the colors that make her happy, and the treats that make her hyper. Kevin spent his free evenings folding cranes and brewing, while Peri planned the snacks. Such a delightful group on a beautiful (but windy) day!

Annual Toy Drive

Sweet Treats

2 Years of Darby Moira

The birthday girl on the run!

Fun with friends... 2-legged and 4-legged alike!


Happy Family

Teepee Time and Charlie


Annual Birthday Brews

Loving the HBD song

Cake smash... aka face smash!

A 2 Year Old Darby!

Sugar and spice and all things sassy. Darby Moira is more than we could have ever dreamt, the easiest baby that has evolved into the spunkiest two year old. She may be small, well not compared to other two year olds, but she is fierce. She knows what she wants, asks for it freely, and we are confident she will grow up knowing that smart and strong are far more important than pretty... although she checks that box too with her blue eyes, chipped front teeth, and golden curls.

Darby Moira - 2 Years!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Darby 52/52 v2

Nothing like a dance party in the parking lot of Home Depot... What? You don't dance your booty off to pass the time while your Daddy buys parts for his latest project?

52 : 7 (part 5)

It is always nice to hear good things about your kids, and this email made Mama ugly cry... so proud of our sweet boy!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

52 : 6 (part 5)

This week's share day was spring themed so Ewan took in a bouquet of daffodils. Later that day this picture came in to my inbox via the daily newsletter and the excitement and attitude on Ewan's face made me want to pinch his cheeks and hug him tight. Seeing pride on Ewan's face when he has accomplished something, like a creative share day item, is amazing.

Darby 51/52 v2

Everyday Darby's teachers write us little notes about her day. Common themes include her empathy, love of books, and constant contributions to the fun in the seahorse room. One of this week's notes is definitely our favorite so far... "She takes initiative with everything she does."

Thursday, April 7, 2016

52 : 5 (part 5)

Since Ewan started soccer last year he has really loved playing with his "team", his friends at school, and in our backyard at home. This past weekend we took him to a San Jose Earthquakes game, thanks to Mama's work friends we got great box club seats on the field, and he loved the excitement of the game (so much he could not look at the camera), the cheers of the crowd, and the popcorn of the concession stands.

Darby 50/52 v2

Darby loves to discover new things. This weekend it was a pay-phone at the mall where we were meeting friends for a lunch date. The odd thing... She new right away it was a phone and put it straight to her ear, but we can't think of a phone with a cord that she sees?!