Thursday, July 27, 2017

52 : 21 (part 6)

So much of our day to day happiness is due to the family that we have made ourselves in the Bay Area. It takes a special friend to drive down from the city on a Friday night for pizza and Beauty and Beast (live-action not cartoon). Darth (aka Ewan) talks about Holly daily and always tells me about the things she teaches him, like waving at folks to say thanks when they let you cross the street and to try new foods like turkey sandwiches. Not pictured, Henry, the dood that takes Ewan's Holly love even deeper.

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At three and a quarter years old Darby is quite the threenager, she recently moved into the next preschool class (Turtles) where she will be until September when she graduates into the slightly older preschool class (Marlins). As a Marlin, Darby will be one of the youngest kids in the class but we are excited to see everything she will learn.

Darby Moira - 3 Years 3 Months

Thursday, July 20, 2017

52 : 20 (part 6)

This week Ewan officially started his adventures in piano, for his birthday he got a keyboard and this week he started lessons. His first lesson covered the C major scale and he loved it. When asked by his teacher who his favorite musician is he said, "David Bowie!" Proud parents, #bowieforever. 

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This weekend Darby realized that there is no better place for a playdate than a winery with a tapas bar and a lawn... happy parents make happy kids even in 100+ degree weather.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

52 : 19 (part 6)

It is a pretty good stay home day when you get to take one of your favorite grown-ups to the new Summer of Love exhibit at the de Young, picnic with her at the Botanical Gardens, and then successfully guilt her into reading you chapter after chapter of your new favorite book, Captain Underpants. 

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The summer of birthday parties continues, but this week was a very special one... really the BEST one as it was Sophia's 3rd! Darby has been talking about her bestie's party for weeks and weeks. Of course she got grumpy and missed the party picture because a baby refused to play with her but the AMAZING banana cake won her over in the end. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

52 : 18 (part 6)

Rock climbing camp was this week and it was a hit! Ewan had so much fun making new friends and was SO proud of how brave he was and how much he learned in 1 short week. He climbed many courses successfully and loved ringing the bells at the top!

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Sassy pants has lots of opinions... today she required all the accessories + eggs, bacon, and a Minnie Mouse pancake on our breakfast date to Stacks.