Thursday, September 26, 2019

52 : 28 (part 8)

On Friday night we went to see Captain Marvel in the park. I really love this movie and made my Mama and Darby wait until the very last minute to see the post-credits scene with Goose and the Tesseract.

Darby 22/52 v6

If we offered Darby pesto it would be a big no but when Francesca offered her "Pesto Pasta" she eats a ton and requests seconds. The good news is that she loved the pesto so much that she requested it at home so we have another Darby approved meal in the rotation.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Darby 21/52 v6

We continued our appreciation of the San Mateo Parks and Recreation Team this week with Incredibles 2. There was a bounce house, a happy meal, Emily, and a HUGE screen, so Darby was basically in her version of heaven.

52 : 27 (part 8)

Friday was school spirit day and we were supposed to wear our favorite color. I went all red and Darby went with purple sparkle.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

52 : 26 (part 8)

I turned 7 and a half on Sunday. I forgot so my family really surprised me. We had yummy chocolate cake and I got Just Dance 2019 for my Nintendo. We had fun dancing and they sang happy half birthday to me.

Darby 20/52 v6

I volunteered to make Darby's soccer banner and regretted it almost instantly, and then they picked the name Volcano Ladybug Parrots... we spent some good family time designing the banner, buying the supplies, and putting it together. We also got our friend Caroline to sponsor the team! The VLPs had their first game this weekend and it is safe to say Darby loves soccer and we have some fun Saturdays in front of us.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

52 : 25 (part 8)

I had my first soccer game this weekend, my Dad is my coach and the team is called The Fireballs. I am excited to play soccer and hope I can make a goal.

Darby 19/52 v6

With the return of school comes the return of dinner fundraisers. All of the kindergarten teachers were attending this one so we promised D we would go... and then she elected to sit with the Lambs and took her brother with her, so Mom and Dad got a dinner date!