Thursday, June 27, 2019

52 : 15 (part 8)

The Cub Scouts Blue & Gold Banquet is where Scouts celebrate their accomplishments for the year and graduate to the next level. I graduated from being a Tiger to being a Wolf. I had a lot of fun as a Scout this year, camping and pinewood derby were probably my favorites.

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This week we said goodbye to Serendipity Preschool. This school came into our lives when we really needed it, a lot was changing and we need a community that would support Darby and our family and we found it. It was really hard to say our goodbyes, the adults cried more than the kids, and a tad shocking to compare D's first day there to her last.

First Day - July 2018
Last Day - June 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

52 : 14 (part 8)

We went on a trip for Father's Day to Marin and Sonoma. We surprised Daddy with the adventure and had a lot of fun together. My Daddy is always being nice to my family and trying to get more and more time with us around his job and working on our house - we love him.

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The summer is coming and today there was a lot of pomp and circumstance... Darby graduated preschool! Darby has been so excited for this day, she picked her outfit out weeks ago and practiced all of her songs so diligently. She crossed that bridge with such confidence and in her profile she said her favorite topic they learned was the seven continents, especially Australia since she has been there, and that she wants to be a Ballerina when she grows up!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

52 : 13 (part 8)

It was really fun going to this museum (the de Young) this week, there was an exhibit where florists created arrangements inspired by the art. My Great Aunt Char and First Cousin Once Removed Cat were here to visit and we explored the displays with them. I took a loooot of pictures.

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This week Darby's Great Aunt Char and First Cousin Once Removed Cat came to visit! It was so nice to have them in from Massachusetts and we took them on one of our favorite Sunday outings - the de Young museum and a picnic in Golden Gate park.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

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Darby even makes the dentist seem cool!

52 : 12 (part 8)

This picture is funny because I am the craziest kid on earth, maybe the second or third craziest. I took this on my Mom's phone when we were on a Starbucks date.