Thursday, May 28, 2015

Darby 5/52 v2

There is no walking, only running. There is no silence, only babbling and shrieking.  There is no lack of opinions or love. Darby shows off her 12 teeth with open mouth sloppy kisses and in Kevin's words, "she may look like me, but she is crazy like you!"

Darby Moira - 13 Months

52 : 12 (part 4)

When I got back from the UK I told Ewan we could do anything he wanted to do my first night back...

"We eat popcorn, watch Incredibles, and eat French Toast and sausage for dinner."

3 things and 2 start with eat :) we had a fun time and Ewan even shared, although he does seem to be elbowing his sissy out of the popcorn a bit in this week's picture. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Darby 4/52 v2

Before I took off to the UK for the week (the longest we have been apart, 8 days) I got to watch Darby's swim class from the sidelines. I am always in the water so it really was a treat watching how awesome she is and how awkwardly her daddy navigates the water babies curriculum (this was only his second class in the almost 3 years we have had a baby in it so it was fun to tease him a little).

My favorite part of class when I am in the water is the hippo and I would have to say that persists outside too. Watching Darby triumphantly march across the big pink hippo and then jump in to the water is amazing!

52 : 11 (part 4)

Ewan is an amazing boy, but sometimes his threenager-ness is very obvious.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

52 : 10 (part 4)

Ewan is very in to art right now. He is always drawing, coloring, magna-doodling, cutting, gluing or BEGGING to paint. His teachers have commented to us about the fact that all he wants to do is draw from the minute he arrives until we pick him up. Instead of reading books before nap he wants to sit at the table with markers and paper. And his drawings have gotten very good with his 3 most impressive pieces this week being a rhino, a baseball player, and our front yard (a drawing he insisted on signing and titled it "that outside"). He is very serious about his artwork and in this week's photo you can see him "doing email" AKA painting.

Darby 3/52 v2

With 10 teeth in, and 2 blistering bottom molars, brushing is now part of the routine... Or chewing on this bristley plastic Bert and Ernie thing.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Darby 2/52 v2

4 molars coming in, top 2 have cut through, and a Daddy traveling for work... It was a tough week.

52 : 9 (part 4)

Ewan had his first ever field trip this week! We went to the Hiller Aviation Museum with 13 of Ewan's classmates and had an amazing time... Until this guy ran away from lunch time to make a break for this cockpit, which led to a chat about listening and a mama mandated departure back to school for nap time.