Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being proud

Each day as I go through my life I think about the things I want Ewan to know and be... Not things like the circumference of the world (although K would probably argue this an important factoid) or to be a doctor. But things like being grateful, which I discussed after my birthday.

For the last month or so I have been thinking about the fact that I want EP to be proud. Proud of himself and his accomplishments, not boastful but proud, and also to celebrate the accomplishments of the people that he loves. Neither K nor I are awesome at celebrating ourselves, but each other, we do that in style.

This week it became official, Kevin is a Certified Public Accountant --- after 3.5 years of night classes and test preparation he did it! Being a CPA these days requires candidates to pass 4 board exams, 1 California ethics exam, satisfy various work requirements, pass background checks, and of course write a few checks. Kevin has juggled more than a full time job, his family, his friends, his puppies, his hobbies, his home, and the pursuit of this goal. We have celebrated along the way and will continue to for at least a few more months. K sees this as just another thing he has done, but we will make sure he is celebrated and has at least a few moments of pride along the way --- and maybe the opportunity to catch up on some of that sleep he has been sacrificing!

Whenever I write a card for K I tell him I am proud to call him my husband, and I know that many cards to Ewan will say that I am proud to call him my son. I want both of my boys to know just how amazing and accomplished and loved they are!

1 comment:

  1. WHOOT, YAY KEVIN! As if there was any doubt that smartie would pass all the many exams required, but YAY YOU DID IT!
