Thursday, July 19, 2012

52 : 19

One of the first questions people asked when they found out that I was pregnant was, "are you going to go back to work?" My answer was always a solid yes. I wonder if this is a normal question that ALL pregnant professionals get or something about me that made me more of a target for it?!

Before I was even contemplating having a baby I knew I would always work outside of the home. I have all the respect in the world for stay at home moms/dads, but that choice just was not in the cards for me. My work is part of who I am, my career is a passion of mine, and I will always need to be able to achieve goals that are mine and mine alone. This is not to say that Ewan is not part of me, or a passion of mine, or an accomplishment, but me as a career woman is the me I want him to know. I want my son to know the power of women in the office, the glue that women are in the home, and to be a part of the generation that I dream will shatter the glass ceiling and finally see pay equality between men and women. I want him to see a world where it is not assumed that the CEO is a man and where it is not assumed that the primary caregiver of children is always a woman, but possibly a man, or a healthy split between two parents --- what we strive for and call co-parenting in our house. I want him to find a partner that he will encourage to accomplish all that they dream of, and I do not want the first question he asks a pregnant woman to be about her professional plans post baby. I wear my hat as wife and my hat as mother, but I also wear my hat as Peri - one day Ewan will recognize that and hopefully be proud of his mama.

All of this to say that Ewan started "school" last week. That first day, and each since, we got him up at 6:00am, fed him, dressed him, and were out the door. I will not lie and say that first morning I did not shed a tear or two, but I will promise that I am 100% confident in Ewan's care and did A TON of work to make sure of it. When I picked him up that first day and he was giggling with his ladies (the little girls in his class), and when I got an email on the second day with pictures of him finger painting, and on the third day when I left my office to walk to his school and had him in my arms in less than ten minutes I knew we were happily settling in to the next phase of our family. And since this has been a couple of big weeks for Ewan I could not stick to one photo this post - the last is him today, day 9 of school and 133 of life.

Ewan's first day of school on 7/9/12

Ewan finger painting on 7/10/12

Ewan's masterpiece

Ewan in his dragons on 7/12/12 (aka PJ day)

On the wall in the classroom

Waiting for his ladies to arrive on 7/19/12

1 comment:

  1. Very eloquently stated! That fingerpainting is quite a masterpiece, that is going to be worth big bucks one day. What a cutie, I loved visiting him and can't wait to stop by and say hello again.
